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Kiiretapaturmien vähentämiseen tähtäävät videot palkittiin kansainvälisessä International Safety Media Awards 2016 -kilpailussa. Vuosikertomus verkossa tehokasta ja näyttävää. Apteekkien asiakaslehdessä markkinointi kohtaa journalismin. Videoiden avulla nostetta sykkeeseen ja myyntiin. Urheiluravinteiden pioneeri, suomalainen Dexal toi markkinoille erityisesti aktiiviurheilijoille suunnitellut uutuustuotteet urheilujuoman .
Welcome to the homepage of the Thermal Process Technology. Buildings of the Thermal Process Technology. The chair of the Thermal Process Technology represents a part of the Center of Engineering at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. The thermal process engineering is dealing with separation processes, heat and mass transfer including the design of technical.
TVT specialises in a wide variety of services including film and tele drama production, commercial production, sound management, editing, film location services, event management, hiring of equipment for movie production in Sri Lanka and much more.
More Than 15 Years of Professional Experience in 20 Countries. The wide range of products and services from small 2-4 cam up to large 10-12 cam OB Vans, satellite Vans as well; various types of TV studios post-production, play-out studios, production, central master rooms, editing suites; mechanical constructions racks, consoles, monitor stacks, auxiliary equipment; refurbishment of old TV complexes.